National Technical Honor Society
What is the National Technical Honor Society?
The National Technical Honor Society is an educational non-profit that exists to honor, recognize, and empower students and teachers in Career & Technical Education. NTHS serves over 100,000 active members annually in both secondary and post-secondary chapters nationwide. NTHS honors top CTE students' achievements, provides nearly $300,000 in scholarships annually and strives to help connect education and industry to build a highly skilled workforce.
What do we do at JACC?
Locally, at the Jackson Area Career Center, we focus on the four Core Principles of Career Development, Leadership, Service, and Recognition. The NTHS recognizes and encourages higher scholastic achievement, cultivates a desire for personal excellence, and helps top students find success in today’s highly competitive workplace. We have monthly meetings during the school day and enjoy doing service projects for community groups.
What are the qualifications for NTHS?
In order to become a member, you must be recommended by your instructor and meet the following criteria:
- A grade of at least 83% in your JACC program
- No disciplinary action on your record
- Demonstrate excellent employability skills in your Career Center program
- Have an excellent attendance record of 5 or fewer absences per semester at the Career Center
JACC students who meet ALL of these qualifications will be invited to join the National Technical Honor Society and sworn in at an evening ceremony for families to attend, where we recognize our amazing members.
NTHS Advisor
Nikisha Martin
2024-25 NTHS Leadership
AM Shift
Julianna Gatza - President
Brooke Huff - Vice President
Sophia Jennings - Secretary
Caden Castle - Treasurer
PM Shift
Pyper Norris - President
Sophia Goldsmith - Vice President
Glena Kelley - Secretary
Sylas Varga - Treasurer
Important Dates
October 30, 2024 - Fall Induction
November 22, 2024 - NTHS Meeting
February 25, 2025 - Winter Induction
TBA - End of the Year Celebration
NTHS Helps Schools to:
- Offer additional scholarship opportunities to CTE students.
- Communicate a strong, positive image in the local community.
- Attract and recruit qualified, diverse students into CTE programs.
- Build active partnerships with and promote students to local industry.
- Recognize outstanding leaders and educators through the NTHS Hall of Fame.
- Encourage parental, family, and industry involvement in the educational process.
- Foster self-esteem, pride, responsibility, and community involvement in students.
- Enhance partnerships with HOSA, SkillsUSA, BPA, DECA, FCCLA, and FBLA/PBL.
NTHS Helps Members to:
- Seek postsecondary education by awarding over $260,000 in scholarships annually.
- Position themselves ahead of the competition in today’s highly competitive workforce.
- Earn recognition for superior achievement in career and technical fields.
- Build career portfolios with professional letters of recommendation.
- Connect to global career and technical education networks.
- Discover opportunities with leading businesses and industries.
- Serve in leadership roles in communities and industries.