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Student Services Overview

The Career Center staff is committed to the success of each student. We offer plenty of supplemental services to ensure each student achieves their goals. Our team of highly qualified counselors, consultants, and support staff provides individual help for students.

Academic Consultants

The Career Center employs a team of highly-qualified consultants to provide learning experiences that integrate the benchmarks for academic content into career and technical classes. The team provides assessments and additional support in technical reading, writing, math, science, and technology. They also assist instructors with identifying and aligning academic content expectations, literacy initiatives, staff development, and school improvement.

Abigail Armstrong - 517-990-6611
Nick Hutchinson - 517-990-6618
Nikisha Martin - 517-768-5223

Joey Tripp - 517-768-5266

Work Based Learning

Students enjoy added benefits to their CTE program when they are placed in work experiences (paid or non-paid) that relate to their career goals and skills learned in class. The Career Center has a comprehensive network of professionals to assist students in work-based learning activities such as:

  • Apprenticeships
  • Co-op Jobs
  • Internships
  • Job Shadowing Experience
  • Tips on resumes and interviews, including mock interviews to get you ready!

Visit our Work Based Learning page or contact one of our Work Based Learning (WBL) Coordinators for more information:

Ron Richards - 517-768-5211
Robin Hammer - 517-768-5169

Career Center Counseling

Students can choose Career Center classes and develop plans for college and careers through the help of our experienced counseling staff. With a focus on the student’s complete success, they can also assist with financial aid, scholarships, health insurance, personal and crisis counseling, academic advising, time management/organization, and referrals to appropriate community agencies for further assistance. If you need assistance or have questions, please reach out to any of our counselors listed below:

Deanna Johnson - 517-768-5162
da Vinci, Grass Lake, Homeschool, Jackson Christian, Jackson High, Jackson Pathways, Lumen Christi, Michigan Center, SVMU, Vandercook Lake, Western, Western Career Prep

Tricia Blair - 517-768-5114
Columbia Central, Columbia Options, Concord, East Jackson, East Jackson Way, Hanover-Horton, JCISD Special Education, JPEC, Napoleon, Napoleon Ackerson Lake, Northwest, Northwest Connect, Out of Jackson County, Springport

Center for Student Success (CSS)

The CSS is a resource for all students, including special populations, who may need additional academic support or accommodations in their Career Center classes. CSS staff assist teachers and students to achieve their goals and to be successful as materials and teaching strategies are adjusted to meet student strengths. For questions about special education, accommodations, services, IEPs, or 504 plans, contact:

Heather Matteson - 517-768-5164
Christina Stark - 517-768-5260

Matt Tucker - 517-990-6624